
[Textile machinery product transformation and upgrading efforts]
Release date:[2017/3/15] Read a total of [727] time

Textile machinery products to achieve transformation and upgrading, should be towards the development of industrial textile equipment, enhance the traditional textile machinery technology, the development of low-carbon economy, improve product reliability in four directions.

It is predicted that in 2050 the world's industrial textile fiber consumption will be far more than clothing and home textiles, accounting for 80.5% of all fiber consumption. Data show that Germany in 2008 industrial textile fiber consumption accounted for the proportion of all textile fiber consumption reached 52%, while China is only 17%. Industry textiles almost penetrate into the civil engineering, automotive, paper, fisheries, construction and other industries, the future development of space is very broad.

From the traditional textile machinery to enhance the technology, textile machinery enterprises should increase R & D investment, the use of flexible, mechanical and electrical integration, modular structure design, ERP is widely used in enterprise management, to achieve the upgrading of traditional textile machinery and equipment.

Chemical fiber and other equipment to promote the application of high strength, light performance of new materials and energy-saving mechanical and electrical products, reduce the level of energy consumption of textile machinery and equipment for the textile industry as a whole to provide technical support for energy saving.

In improving product reliability, domestic textile machinery in the domestic market share of only 60%, mainly due to the quality of life cycle problems, that is, the reliability of the product. Recently, the China Textile Machinery Association issued seven kinds of spinning key equipment, "reliability test evaluation norms (Trial)", the Association will be through the bottom of the test, the index growth test, third-party certification and other ways to promote enterprises to enhance product stability Sexuality and reliability.

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