
[Pakistan's textile industry efforts to create favorable conditions to attract Chinese investment]
Release date:[2016/9/22] Read a total of [855] time

It is reported that China's annual textile exports reached 284 billion US dollars, accounting for 37 per cent of global exports. Pakistan's textile exports to $ 13 billion, accounting for 1.7% of global market. In recent years, China's textile industry to invest and build factories overseas investment or investment to build industrial parks based, although investment in, and other developing economies and Europe and other developed regions continue to increase, but less investment.

Insiders said that with the development of the industry, China's textile industry transformation and upgrading in progress to produce more high value-added products, but thus produce low-value products market was India, Vietnam, and other countries occupied, Pakistan did not get tangible benefits.

In addition, due to the shortage of electricity, the high cost of doing business, the security situation is grim, and the impact of government policies and other factors of instability, Chinese investment in Pakistan textiles are not enthusiastic. Earlier, China Shandong Ruyi Group intends to acquire Masood textile mills in Pakistan, but has been unable to implement.

Insiders said that the advantage of Pakistan's textile industry is the industry's strong cohesion, but it is not easy to attract Chinese investment in Pakistan's textile industry associations and related organizations needs to be carefully studied efforts to create favorable conditions for attracting Chinese investment.

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